⚡NFT Type and Name

NFT Type and Grade

NFT Type refers to the type of transport item for mining the CART token in the app.

There are a total of 40 items of NFT Type, 9 types of vehicles, 5 types of shoes, 15 types of motorcycles, 6 types of bicycles, and 5 types of kickboards.

Each NFT Type item is given 5 grades

Ratings range from Common, Workers, Runner, Traveler, and Mania, and higher ratings mean stronger performance.

The user can raise the level of NFT Type items using the CART token and the Quote item, and the level-up may fail. If the upgrade fails, the level of the transport item will be lowered by one notch.

Depending on the level, the amount of CART tokens and quote items required increases together.

This process can be enhanced faster with more CART tokens and quote items.

There are four attributes of transport: efficiency, cost reduction, and time reduction, and each attribute has the following capabilities.

  1. Efficiency helps you acquire CW (Carypto Watts). The higher the capability, the higher the CART token revenue per CW consumed.

  2. Cost reduction reduces the amount of oil reduced. Reduce the cost of repairs on the means of transportation.

  3. Time reduction reduces the amount of time you can open a lucky box that you have acquired in progress. The higher the capability, the faster you can open the lucky box.

  4. Luck affects the acquisition frequency and quality of the lucky box in single mode. The higher the competency, the better the lucky box.

Although there are differences in the number of different means of transportation, it is possible to improve the number through the parts. Depending on the setting, the ability to move can be enhanced.

Last updated