3-C. Social Platform

Mobility platform derives social consensus for safe driving

The mobility platform provides customized information through Big Data processing to perform various activities and roles to reach social consensus for safe driving. Through the provision of analysis data, the basic guidelines for social security will be subdivided and various measures will be prepared to be used as basic data for policy making of public institutions.

It also provides basic data on driver driving patterns and accidents for safe driving and

social consensus on social safety network will be drawn by providing big data that can be used to prepare standards for obtaining and updating licenses for the elderly population in an aging era.

New service platform to support safe driving

To operate as a new service platform to support safe driving, individual services such as vehicles, vehicle-related devices, vehicle maintenance, vehicle control, and insurance can be utilized as big data-based services in the mobility platform and actively carry out safety driving campaigns to strengthen the social safety networks.

Cognitive and operation load measurement data are secured and utilized for various ICT convergence services, so that it is prepared to become a major stepping stone of the fourth industrial revolution. It is also applied to customizable cognitive enhancement services and connected services for transportation-disadvantaged, and will cooperate to expand and develop the next generation AVN, navigation and black box market based on integrated vehicle devices.

Development of a technology for socially transportation-disadvantaged group

The mobility platform will actively introduce customized cognitive-enhancing interaction UI/UX technology to support socially transportation-disadvantaged group, promote the development of ICT convergence devices that measure driver's cognitive and driver loads from image and biological signals, and assist the implementation of converged devices and connected services from the perspectives of drivers.

In addition, traffic information, driving information, and risk situation information are intuitively and instantly recognized, and UI/UX is provided through voice and screen so that users can respond to dangerous situations early and identify transportation-disadvantaged users and provide them with customized services.

Data Security System

Mobility data, agreed to by automotive users, is analyzed and distributed on a blockchain mobility platform, where all transactions and data ownership rights and usage rights are securely managed through a blockchain storage approach and linked to other services. Personal data containing personally identifiable information is encrypted under complete security and is distributed, stored, and managed in a blockchain ledger, with distributed personal data deleted at the request of the actual owner, and any data distributed can only be obtained under the approval of the producer or a provider with ownership rights.

Data Compensation System

Carypto is a mobility platform based on blockchain that consists of a mobility data provider and a mobility big data system. This mobility platform provides analysis and service of participants' big data rather than possessing ownership of individual data.

Mobility data is valued by a variety of partners and participants in the mobility platform, and should ensure adequate compensation for data providers as these big data services are performed.

These rewards motivate mobility platform participants to deliver data and further ensure the reliability and continuity of the mobility platform.

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